Thursday, May 3, 2012



This is the new online home for Liberty Corner, now re-branded as Liberty Awakening. This column can also be found in the White Pine Weekly newspaper in White Pine, Tennessee. Several of my previous articles are available presently at White Pine Weekly's website. I wanted to make an online home for my articles because of a few points. The main reason is that I enjoy writing. I especially enjoy writing about history, politics, and the place where they meet in our daily lives. I look to the news and it's obvious to anyone paying attention, like myself, that our liberties and freedoms are being taken away from us at a drastic pace. There are many among us who don't pay attention, however. I hope that my articles will give the readers some firepower to use in arguments with others regarding these subjects, and maybe even some good info to use to wake others up about all that is going on. My column in White Pine Weekly focuses mostly on the federal government and the fact that they are stripping us of our constitutional rights, namely the Bill of Rights. Nearly all of the first 10 amendments are under fire or on life support already. We can sit back and watch even more of our rights taken away until one day, we'll be living in a fascist police state-- or we can know what is going on, inform others of what is going on, and then change it. The heroes who seceded from England to fight the Revolutionary War didn't sit back and let them do whatever they wanted to do. A few liberty lovers, tireless in their aim to become free people, fought until they made that a reality. I don't think I'm going out on a limb when I say that our current federal government is doing a lot more today to infringe on liberty and freedom than England ever did to our forefathers back in the 1700s. I hope you'll join me in this new endeavor, and tell a friend. Comments, feedback, and suggestions are always welcome on anything that I write. Thank you for reading.